Paper types

Paper types

Paper, as we know it today, originated 2,000 years ago in China.   Made from scraps of cloth, paper was used to tell the chronicles of the time by a court official.  Paper from the papyrus plant, on the other hand, dates back to Egypt 3,000 years ago.  From ancient...
Adhesives and synthetic materials

Adhesives and synthetic materials

The archival material is rich in substances which, although not the primary components of the various types of documents, have a significant impact on their conservation and on the decay and aging processes. In this article we will talk about: The adhesive materials...
Inks in the archive

Inks in the archive

Inks are one of the fundamental components of archival and documentary materials and the analysis of their nature is essential in order to fully understand the decay and aging processes of the pages. There are many types of inks and, based on the substances of which...
Emergency in archives: biological degradation agents

Emergency in archives: biological degradation agents

Biological degradation is mainly determined by the microbiological attack of fungi, bacteria, molds, and by the infestation of insects and rodents inside the storage rooms and the material itself, and is triggered by certain favorable environmental conditions. Fungal...