Past projects

our projects

Since its foundation, Prodoc has saved and restored hundreds of thousands of documents and cultural assets from archives, libraries and museums throughout the country, as well as from companies and private homes.

The teams of experts are made up of different professionals, including qualified restorers, technicians, risk managers, archivists and much more, and they have always been committed to safeguarding public and private cultural heritage.

From the beginning, Prodoc is committed to satisfying the requests of the most disparate clients with professionalism and efficiency and ensures all its customers the utmost dedication in trying to save and protect our precious cultural heritage at risk.



Intervention request form


  • Diocesi di Casale Monferrato (AL): thermohygrometric reconditioning of storage environments, anoxic disinfestation, dusting and removal of fungal attacks, replacement of storage folders.
  • Archivio di Stato di Genova: pest disinfestation, dusting and removal of traces of infesting organisms.
  • IED di Milano: dusting and replacement of storage envelopes and folders.
  • Archivio del Comune di Varenna (LC): dusting and removal of fungal attacks, replacement of storage envelopes and folders.

  • Archivio storico di Chiavari (GE): anoxic disinfestation, sanitization and dusting of documents damaged by birds.
  • Archivio del Tribunale di Lecco: salvage of the archive, packaging for subsequent restoration and reconditioning activities.
  • Museo storico Martinitt e Stelline, Milano: freeze-drying of material damaged by water, dust removal and removal of molds, replacement of storage envelopes and folders.
  • Archivio di Stato di Roma: freeze-drying of archival material damaged by wetting, replacement of storage folders and envelopes.

  • Comune di Terre del Reno (FE): dusting, material sanitization and disinfestation, reconditioning and microbiological analysis.
  • Archivio Martini e Rossi, Pessione (TO): drying on suction tables of documents affected by wetting, dedusting and reconditioning of the documents.
  • Biblioteca del Museo del Risorgimento, Milano: restoration of environmental conditions favorable to the conservation of library assets, cleaning of washable surfaces.
  • Agenzia delle Entrate, Venezia: securing of volumes affected by high tide, transport and storage in refrigerated cells.
  • Agenzia Crédit Agricole di Venezia: securing and freeze-drying of volumes affected by high tide.
  • Archivio dell’Università degli Studi di Napoli L’orientale: dusting and sanitizing of archival material and subsequent reconditioning.

  • Archivio della soppressa Pretura di Pergine Valsugana (TN): dusting and disinfection of documents affected by mold.
  • Bucap srl, Roma: freeze-drying, dusting and reconditioning of archive files affected by fire.
  • Archivio storico Ufficio Lavori Pubblici della Provincia Autonoma di Trento: cataloging, securing and freeze-drying of files damaged by water.
  • Archivio Storico del Comune di Canistro (AQ): freeze-drying of volumes affected by wetting.
  • Archivio Storico della Parrocchia di Santa Maria Assunta di Buttrio (UD): dusting and reorganization of the historical archive.

  • Archivio Storico del Comune di Palmanova (UD): dusting and sanitizing of documents and storage.
  • Agenzia delle dogane di Siracusa: cleaning of the particles deposited on documents following a fire.
  • Imitazione di Cristo, Roberto Cuoghi: freeze-drying of works for the Italian Pavilion of the LVII Venice Biennale.
  • Associazione Alfredo Galmozzi, Crema: salvage, drying and reconditioning of the Poster Archive following flooding.
  • Politecnico di Milano:  salvage, dusting and sanitizing following water infiltration.
  • Museo Revoltella, Trieste: dusting intervention in the Historical Library of Baron Revoltella.

  • Casa editrice RCS, Milano: dusting and disinfection of documents from the First Editions Depot.
  • Parrocchia di Buttrio (UD): cataloging and dusting of the historical archive.
  • Tosvar srl, Pozzo D’Adda (MI): cleaning of the particulates deposited on the documents of the storage archive following a fire.
  • Unità srl, Roma: dusting and reconditioning of the Historical Archive.
  • Cicogna, Fino Mornasco (CO): expert appraisal following a fire on cultural assets, furnishings, books and canvases kept in a private home.
  • Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Roma: salvage and freezing following flooding. Pilot project of freeze-drying and disinfection of some volumes in collaboration with the Polytechnic of Turin, Department of Applied Science and Technology.
  • Agenzia delle Entrate, sede territoriale di Moncalieri (TO): salvage and freezing following flooding in the premises of the Historical Archive.
  • AXA Art, Milano: evaluation of the conservation deposits of the Corriere della Sera Historical Archive.
  • Studio Mannarini, Lecce: appraisal following flooding in the storage rooms of library assets.

  • SNAM Retegas, Scandicci (FI): supply of compactable shelving for the Historical Archive and storage.
  • Azienda Ospedaliera di Parma: biological analysis, disinfection, dusting and reconditioning of the documents of the Historical Archive.
  • Università Bocconi, Milano: dusting and sanitizing of the Historical Archive.
  • Studio Legale E. Ferrini, Roma: cataloging and handling of documents from the Historical Archives and storage.
  • Ente Spaziale Europeo (ESA ESRIN), Frascati (RM): microbiological analysis and restoration project of the thermohygrometric conditions of the deposits.

  • Idea finanziaria, Roma: recovery of autographed contracts from the deposit archive.
  • Casa Editrice RCS, Milano: dehumidification and securing of documents from the First Editions Depot.
  • Biblioteca Comunale di Codroipo (UD): dehumidification, disinfection and reconditioning of the documents of the Historical Archive.